英语笑话带翻译 英语笑话爆笑带翻译

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英语笑话带翻译 英语笑话爆笑带翻译

发布时间:2020-08-12 21:32:27





  A man is walking past a travel agents office when he notices a billboard announcing, "4 day cruise down the Murray River $40 all inclusive.”


  Impressed by the low price, he races into the shop, slaps $40 onto the counter and announces, "I' m here for the Murray cruise.” Quick as a wink, the travel agent whips out a baseball bat and knocks him unconscious.


  When the man wakes, he finds himself tied to a floating log and drifting down the river. After a time, he notices another man in same predicament on the other side of the river.


  "$40 Murray cruise?" he calls out.


  "Yep!" says the man on the other side.


  "I'll bet you we don't even get breakfast,”he yells.


  "Well,”calls the other man, “we did last year.”




  My husband, not happy with my mood swings, bought me a mood ring the other day so that he would be able to monitor my moods. When I’m in a good mood it turns green. When I' m in a bad mood it leaves a big red mark on his forehead.




  As our plane made it's landing at O' Hare, the flight attendant began her "welcome and thanks" speech.


  "Welcome to Chicago, where the local time is 6: 15. It has been our pleasure to serve you today. We hope you have enjoyed your flight. We know you have a choice of bankrupt airlines, and we thank you for choosing United.”


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